Museum Restaurants are now foodie destinations

Forget soggy sandwiches and an artificial fruit juice after walking around an iconic museum observing the most elaborate works of art the next you visit a museum   Museum Restaurants are now fine-dining experiences meant for foodies and art-lovers Here are some dishes from some iconic Museum restaurants in the US   Images are from…

Most Michelin-stars in one US city? ALMOST

San Francisco has 80 Michelin-restaurants? Really? Almost…   The newest restaurant to San Francisco’s burgeoning food scene is in fact in a Museum. The Museum of Modern Art San Francisco has Michelin-starred Chef Corey Lee cooking up some of the world’s most famous Michelin-dishes at his new restaurant, In Situ   Expect dishes from NOMA’s…

The best lobster roll on the East Coast

Lobster Season Yes… it really does exist Where do you go for the best? Maine lobster has to be supreme but where do you go and how do you judge a good lobster roll? Can you validate the often hefty – $18-$22 price-tag for a tiny little lobster roll? The price to pay for the…

Innovative or Traditional Dim Sum ?

    Traditionalists will scoff at the latest creative and totally innovative dim sum streaming out of Hong Kong From the opulent dim sum creations at Tycoon Tan and The Sky Boss to the weird but totally cute yum cha dishes at Dim Sum Icon….food has taken on a whole new meaning when it comes…